Templates Business Operations Basic Return to Work Form Template

Basic Return to Work Form Template

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Employee Information

Full Name

Return Details

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Attach any required Covid-19 documentation (if applicable)

Work Arrangements

Are you requesting to work remotely?
Are you requesting to work part-time?

Emergency Contact Details

Manager Approval

Manager's Name

Employee Acknowledgment

Do you need a smooth return-to-work process for employees to complete directly from your website? Look no further than the Basic Return to Work Form Template from WPForms.

What Goes Into a Basic Return to Work Form Template?

Let’s break down the key sections of this form and explore why it’s a must-have for your organization.

  • Employee Information: The form begins with capturing essential employee details, including tgeir full name, email, phone, department (via a dropdown menu), and employee ID/number. This section sets the foundation for effective communication and helps streamline the return process.
  • Return Details: The Expected Return Date and Reason for Absence fields provide employee availability and the circumstances behind their absence. For added safety measures, employees can upload Covid-19 test results and any required documentation directly.
  • Work Arrangements: Next, this section addresses remote work and part-time requests. Employees can indicate their preferences with simple Yes or No options, ensuring clear communication. Additional comments or notes offer flexibility for employees to include specific needs.
  • Emergency Contact Details: To help prioritize well-being, the form collects emergency contact information. Prompt access to this data is crucial for swift action in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  • Manager Approval: To maintain organizational coherence, the Manager Approval section captures the manager’s name, signature, and date of signature. This step formalizes the return process and ensures alignment with managerial oversight.
  • Employee Acknowledgment: The form concludes with an acknowledgment from the employee, including their signature and date. This final touch signifies mutual understanding and commitment to the return-to-work arrangements.

By leveraging this comprehensive form template, you empower your organization to navigate the return-to-work landscape with ease. So, don’t miss out! Sign up with WPForms to get the Basic Return to Work Form Template today.