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Applicant Information

Full Name

Residence Information

Residential Address

Experience with Animals

Terms and Conditions

Do you agree to the terms and conditions of the foster program?
Clear Signature

The Animal Foster Application Form Template by WPForms is an excellent resource for animal shelters, rescue organizations, and pet adoption agencies looking to gather information from potential foster caregivers efficiently.

How Does the Animal Foster Application Form Template Work?

The Animal Foster Application Form Template requires the WPForms Pro License and the Signature Addon to collect comprehensive details about the applicant and their suitability for fostering animals. Fields include:

  • Applicant Information:
    • Full Name: Captures the complete name of the applicant.
    • Date of Birth: Records the applicant’s birth date for age verification.
    • Phone Number: Gathers the applicant’s contact number for communication.
    • Email Address: Collects the applicant’s email address for sending updates.
    • Occupation: Captures the applicant’s job title to understand their background.
    • Employer: Gathers the name of the applicant’s employer (optional).
    • Work Schedule: Details the applicant’s work hours to assess their availability.
  • Residence Information:
    • Residential Address: Captures the full address of the applicant’s residence.
    • Type of Residence: Indicates whether the applicant lives in a house, apartment, etc.
    • Do you rent or own?: Determines whether the applicant owns or rents their home.
    • Permission to foster animals: Whether the applicant has permission from landlords.
    • Do you have a fenced yard?: Gathers information about outdoor space suitability.
    • Number of Adults in Household: Captures the total number of adults living.
    • Number of Kids in Household: Records the total number of children in the home.
    • Ages of Children: Provides children’s ages to ensure compatibility.
    • Do all members agree to fostering?: Confirms that everyone in the household is on board.
  • Experience with Animals:
    • Previous experience with fostering: The applicant’s prior experience with animals.
    • Do you have other pets?: If the applicant currently has other pets in the household.
    • Types of Animals: Records the animals the applicant is interested in fostering.
    • Special Needs Animals: If the applicant is willing to foster animals with special needs.
  • Terms and Conditions:
    • Consent Checkbox: Ensures the applicant agrees to the terms and conditions.
    • Signature and Date: A digital signature field for the applicant to sign off.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Animal Foster Application Form Template to simplify the collection and verification of applicant information, ensuring a smooth and efficient fostering process.