Templates Health & Wellness Yoga Consent Form Template

Yoga Consent Form Template

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Personal Details


In Case of Emergency

Medical History

Acknowledgment & Assumption of Risk

Consent for Emergency
Assumption of Risk
Release of Liability

Are you searching for a quick and easy way for participants to consent to the yoga activities you offer? Look no further than the Yoga Consent Form Template from WPForms.

This form not only gathers vital personal and medical information but also establishes a clear understanding of the risks associated with yoga practice.

How Does the Yoga Consent Form Template Work?

The form begins with gathering essential personal details, including name, phone number, date of birth, email address, and address.

Next, in the event of an emergency, our Yoga Consent Form smartly incorporates an ‘In Case of Emergency’ section, capturing the contact details of a person to notify and the attending physician’s information. This ensures that, in any unforeseen circumstances, the yoga instructor or studio can act promptly and responsibly.

Having the participant’s medical history on file is a crucial form aspect. By asking about existing medical conditions, surgeries, major injuries, and current medications, yoga instructors can tailor their sessions to accommodate individual needs, and mitigate potential health risks during the practice.

The main purpose of the form is in the ‘Acknowledgment & Assumption of Risk’ section. Participants are asked to consent to emergency medical treatment, making it clear that their well-being is a priority. The form also includes checkboxes confirming the participant’s understanding of the physical nature of yoga and the assumption of associated risks. Finally, a ‘Release of Liability’ section protects the studio or instructor from any legal claims, ensuring a smoother and more secure yoga experience for all involved.

Our Yoga Consent Form Template acts as a comprehensive safety net for both yoga instructors and participants. So don’t miss out on this essential form for your organization and website. Sign up with WPForms today!