Templates Customer Service Warranty Form Template

Warranty Form Template

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Customer Information


Dealer Information


Product Information

Are you a product manufacturer of any kind? One thing you’ll have to be prepared to deal with is warranty claims. Most producers offer warranties that allow customers to claim replacements when products get damaged or have defects. If you offer a warranty, you’ll need a warranty claim form to efficiently process warranty claims. The WPForms’ Warranty Form Template is ideal.

What Makes a Great Warranty Form Template?

With warranty form templates, there are a few different pieces of information you’ll want to collect. Primarily, you’ll be concerned with ensuring that the complainant is a real customer and that they meet the terms of your warranty.

To provide for this, the WPForms’ Warranty Form Template uses a few different fields, including single-line text fields, paragraph text fields, the file upload field, and more.

The template is divided into three parts using Section Divider fields. The first part focuses on collecting user contact data, while the second part focuses on collecting the contact data of the dealership they purchased from, with the third being focused on collecting the details of the damaged product.

The Customer Information section contains Name, Email, and Address fields for identifying users and collecting their contact information. The Dealer Information section uses identical fields to collect similar data on the dealer.

The product information section is the most important part of this template. To protect against warranty fraud, the template includes a paragraph text field where users are asked to explain, in detail, what the issue with the product is. It also includes the File Upload field where they can upload supporting items such as images of the damaged products and the product warranty.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own warranty form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and hundreds of other pre-made templates.