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Industry Type
Do you have a sustainability policy in place?
Do you monitor your carbon footprint?
Do you track water usage?
Do you educate staff on sustainability practices?
How often do you review your sustainability practices?
What energy sources do you use?

Organizations across various industries are stepping up to embrace sustainable practices. The Sustainable Practices Survey Form Template serves as a vital tool if you’re looking to assess your current sustainability initiatives and set clear goals for improvement.

Why Should I Use the Sustainable Practices Survey Form Template?

There are many ways that this form template can benefit you. Here’s how it works:

  • Comprehensive Data Collection: This form allows organizations to collect essential information from respondents, including their name, email, and company details. By understanding who is participating in the survey, you can analyze trends and draw valuable insights based on industry type and organizational role.
  • Assessing Current Practices: One of the standout features of this template is its ability to gauge the current sustainability efforts of organizations. Questions about sustainability policies, carbon footprint monitoring, water usage tracking, and staff education provide a clear snapshot of how businesses are engaging with sustainable practices. 
  • Industry-Specific Insights: With a checkbox option for various industry types, the survey enables targeted analysis of sustainability trends across different sectors, such as agriculture, healthcare, and technology. Understanding how industry dynamics affect sustainability practices allows organizations to benchmark against peers and develop tailored strategies.
  • Goal Setting and Accountability: The template encourages organizations to outline their primary sustainability goals for the next 12 months. By articulating specific objectives, businesses can foster accountability within their teams and track progress over time. 

Implementing the Sustainable Practices Survey Form on your website not only gathers valuable insights but also engages stakeholders in meaningful dialogue about sustainability. Get the template from WPForms today!