Templates Health & Wellness Spa Client Intake Form Template

Spa Client Intake Form Template

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Personal Information


Medical History & Lifestyle

On a scale of 1-10

Treatment Preferences & History

Consent & Agreement

Checkboxes (copy)

The Spa Client Intake Form Template helps promote holistic client experiences in the changing world of wellness and spa services.

This template gives companies an efficient way to ensure that their services are delivered in a way that reflects their unique wants and preferences.

Using the Spa Client Intake Form Template

The comprehensiveness and user-centric approach of the template’s design stand out. Here is a deeper look at some of its key sections:

  • Personal Information: The foundation of every outstanding spa experience is a thorough understanding of the client, and this understanding begins with the personal information area. Businesses build a connection based on trust by collecting necessary information, including complete name, date of birth, contact information, and emergency numbers, which helps to prevent identity fraud and misunderstanding.
  • Medical History & Lifestyle: This section is crucial for guaranteeing the client’s safety and customizing treatments, and it is a genuine tribute to how meticulously our form is designed. Businesses may make sure that every treatment suggestion is supported by reliable information by digging deeply into allergies, existing drugs, common medical disorders, and even lifestyle factors like smoking habits and stress levels.
  • Treatment Preferences & History: Just as much as they are about the present, spa treatments are also about the past. In light of this, a component of our form helps assess a client’s past spa experiences, treatment preferences, and particular pain locations. It guarantees that the spa experience is customized from beginning to end when combined with the pressure choice for massages and any extra requirements.
  • Consent & Agreement: Our template highlights the importance of client permission, building on the foundation of trust. With a specific section for terms and conditions and a signature field (made possible with a WPForms Pro license and the Signatures plugin), companies can promote transparency and guarantee that customers are educated and at ease during their spa experience.

In essence, the Spa Client Intake Form Template serves as a conduit between spas and their clients, ensuring that experiences are memorable, services align with client’s expectations, and so on. Sign up with WPForms today to access this template and watch your spa business soar to new heights.