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Skills Audit Form Template

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Subject Details


Skills Proficiency

With your business, understanding and leveraging your team’s skill sets are paramount for organizational success. Introducing a Skills Audit Form to your website can help!

Get the form to provide invaluable insights into your team’s capabilities and areas for development.

Using the Skills Audit Form Template

Here’s a breakdown of the fields, functions, and benefits that come with using this form template:

  • Auditor Details: Gathering basic contact information ensures seamless communication and follow-up.
  • Subject Details: Delving deeper, this section extracts crucial details. They include department, job title, and years of experience. These details paint a comprehensive picture of the individual’s role within the organization.
  • Skills Proficiency: This segment is the heart of the Skills Audit Form. It allows the auditor to assess the subject’s proficiency levels across key skill categories. These categories include communication, technical skills, time management, teamwork, problem-solving, job functions, organization, and flexibility. Then, the inclusion of beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels offers a nuanced understanding of skill levels.
  • Training Needs: Identifying training requirements ensures targeted skill development, and aligning resources with organizational goals.
  • Qualifications/Certifications: Documenting existing qualifications and certifications aids in assessing skill gaps and potential avenues for learning.
  • Areas for Improvement and Strengths: By pinpointing areas for improvement and strengths, individuals and organizations gain clarity on where to focus efforts for growth and optimization.

Incorporating the Skills Audit Form on your website demonstrates a commitment to employee development and organizational excellence. By harnessing the insights gleaned from this form, organizations can propel themselves toward greater efficiency, innovation, and success.

Sign up with WPForms to access the Skills Audit Form Template and thousands of other templates for your website.