If your Rotary district awards grants to clubs, you need the WPForms Rotary district grant application form template for your website. The template allows Rotarians in your district to quickly and easily submit their grant application. This ensures that the applications are consistent, formatted, and easy to read.
What Goes on a Grant Application Form?
Whether you’re creating a grant application form for Rotary District grants or anything else, there are a few things you’ll always want to include.
The grant application form should ask applicants to explain their project. What resources will they need? How will they carry out the project? Will they work with other groups or organizations who will contribute in a financial capacity or otherwise?
The form should also ask them to submit a budget showing where the funds will be used and how.
Finally, if you have guidelines or themes that your grants must follow, the applicant should explain how their project applies those themes or meets those guidelines. For example, on our Rotary district grant application form template, applicants must explain how the grant will help local communities, which is one of Rotary’s main objectives.
All of our forms are 100% customizable. If you find that you need different fields, it’s easy to add or remove items with our user-friendly drag-and-drop form builder.
Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own Rotary district grant application form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and hundreds of other pre-made templates.