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Are you looking to find a new roommate? One way to find and screen applicants is to put up a roommate application form. This form can be used by anyone from individuals looking for roommates to private hostels and University-run dormitories. Whatever your specific needs, the WPForms Roommate Application Form Template is an excellent way to get started.

What Makes a Good Roommate Application Form Template?

If you’re looking for a new roommate or looking to pair roommates, one big factor to consider is compatibility. You may also want to have a background on potential roommates to help ensure both roommates’ safety and convenience. You may also want to offer some way for applicants to sign off on their application.

The Roommate Application Form Template takes all of this into account and comes with all the fields you’d need to achieve this.

For example, the template includes Name, Email, Phone, Date of Birth, and Gender fields that help to build a basic profile of any applicant. If you’d like more detail, you can easily choose from the 30+ form fields on offer. For example, if you’d like to learn more about a candidate’s rental history, you might consider adding a Message/Comment box with the label, Rental History.

The Roommate Application Form template uses the Message/Comment box field in some other ways. There is the special needs dropdown field labeled, “Do you have any special needs?”. When users answer yes, this triggers a bit of conditional logic to show a hidden Message/Comment box field, where candidates are asked to elaborate on their special needs.

Additionally, there is one more Message/Comment box where users are encouraged to share any additional information. The Roommate Application Form Template also includes a signature field.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own roommate application form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and hundreds of other pre-made templates.