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Research Details

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Research Paper Content

Student Details

Full Name

Supervisor Details

Primary Supervisor

Certification & Signature

Clear Signature

The Research Paper Submission Form Template by WPForms is an essential resource for academic institutions, educators, and students who want to improve the submission and review process for research papers.

How Does the Research Paper Submission Form Template Work?

The Research Paper Submission Form Template requires the WPForms Pro License, the Post Submissions Addon, and the Signature Addon.

These allow educators to gather information about the research paper and the student submitting it and obtain necessary approvals. Fields include:

  • Research Details:
    • Title of Research: Captures the main title of the research paper.
    • Featured Image: Allows submission of a relevant image for the research.
    • Research Content: A field for uploading the complete research paper file.
    • Abstract of Research: A summary highlighting the main points and findings.
  • Student Details:
    • Student Name: The full name of the student submitting the research.
    • Email Address: For sending acknowledgments and further communication.
    • Phone Number: Direct contact number of the student for any urgent communications.
    • Student ID: University or college identification number of the student.
    • Program: The academic program or course to which the student belongs.
  • Supervisor Details:
    • Supervisor Name: The faculty supervisor or mentor overseeing the research.
    • Supervisor Email: Email address for contacting the supervisor regarding the paper.
    • Supervisor Phone: Contact number of the supervisor for direct communication.
  • Certification & Signature:
    • Declaration: Where the student declares the originality and authenticity of the work.
    • Signature & Date: A signature and date field to formally submit the research paper.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Research Paper Submission Form Template to make the process of submitting research papers for students more manageable and easier to track for educational institutions.