Templates Registrations Academic Registration Nursery Registration Form Template

Nursery Registration Form Template

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Parent or Guardian Name

Child's Details

Name of child to enroll
Child's gender
Your relationship to the child

Attendance Requirements

Child's age

Book Your Tour

Have you visited us for a tour?

Emergency Contact

Please provide an alternative contact person in case of emergency. Emergency contacts must be over the age of 18 and capable of caring for the child if you are unavailable.
Emergency Contact's Name

The Nursery Registration Form template lets parents or guardians conveniently register their children for a nursery program. Using this form template, you can gather essential details of the person registering a child along with the child’s details. Also, the form collects other more relevant details that help you manage your nursery operations smoothly.

Using the Nursery Registration Form Template

The Nursery Registration Form template provides comprehensive fields to capture the essential information.

  • Parent or Guardian Name: This field is essential for identification and record-keeping.
  • Contact Information: The form collects the parent’s or guardian’s email, phone, and address so that you can contact and reach out to them when needed.
  • Child Details: Individuals submitting the form can specify their child’s name, age, and gender. If they are not the child’s parent or legal guardian, they can mention their relationship with the child.
  • Childcare Required: Here, individuals can select the childcare services they require for their child, like breakfast club or summer holiday club. With this information, you can allocate resources and manage your childcare services accordingly.
  • Comments: In this field, parents or guardians can share any additional information about their child, like whether they need any extra medical care, about their temperaments, or anything else relevant for adequate handling and care of their child.
  • Tour Details: Individuals can specify whether they would like a virtual tour of your nursery or visit in person. Individuals who want to participate in the in-person tour can input their preferred date and time. This helps you manage your schedule accordingly.
  • Emergency Contact Details: This field gathers the child’s emergency contact person details, including their name, phone number, and relationship with the child, to ensure the safety and well-being of the child.

Get the Nursery Registration Form template today by signing up with WPForms to efficiently register children for your nursery facility.