Templates Marketing New Product Form Template

New Product Form Template

Use This Template
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Product Details

e.g. Sullie Pro Model EX
e.g. $29.99
e.g. electronics, apparel
e.g. available, backorder
e.g. color, sizing, etc.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.

Submission Information


Launching a new product is always an exciting venture, but ensuring a smooth and organized process is equally crucial.

That’s why we’ve created the New Product Form Template as a comprehensive solution to streamline the introduction of a product’s latest offerings.

Using the New Product Form Template

As always, we encourage you to customize this form template to meet your needs. In the meantime, our template comes with these essential fields and functions:

  • Product Name: Users kickstart the process by providing a distinct name for their product, creating an immediate connection with stakeholders and potential customers.
  • Product Price: Form users then outline the price of the product in a universally recognized currency format (e.g., $29.99), setting clear expectations for potential buyers.
  • Product Category: Categorizing the product can enhance discoverability, allowing potential buyers to navigate and explore within their area of interest, whether it be electronics, apparel, or any other category.
  • Product Availability: Your form user specifies the availability status of the product – whether it’s ready for purchase or available for backorder. This feature helps manage customer expectations and prevents potential disappointment.
  • Product Description: Users then provide a comprehensive product description, covering key details such as color, sizing, and any other relevant information. This ensures that customers have a thorough understanding of what the product offers.
  • Product Image(s): The visual appeal of the product is enhanced by allowing users to upload up to 5 image files. Visual representation is crucial in attracting and engaging potential customers.

Lastly, your form user includes contact information including a name and email address for quick and easy communication about the new product.

Ready to offer your own New Product Form? Sign up with WPForms today to access this form template and thousands of other templates for your site!