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Personal Information

Survey Information

Open-Ended Feedback

The Multi-Section Survey Form Template by WPForms is an excellent tool for businesses and organizations needing a simple way to collect detailed customer or client feedback.

How Does the Multi-Section Survey Form Template Work?

The Multi-Section Survey Form Template requires the WPForms Pro License. It uses the Survey and Polls Addon and several Fancy Fields, including the Repeater Field, allowing users to input multiple fields repeatedly.

This feature is particularly useful for gathering extensive feedback in multiple sections without needing to fill out a new form each time. Here’s a brief description of the fields included in the template:

  • Personal Information:
    • Full Name: Collects the full name of the respondent.
    • Your Age: Records the age of the respondent.
    • Email Address: The email address for further communication.
    • Phone Number: The phone number for direct contact if needed.
  • Feedback Details (Repeater Field):
    • Feedback Area: Dropdown menu for selecting the specific area of feedback.
    • How satisfied are you with our service?: Gathers satisfaction levels.
    • Rating of Service: Dropdown rating for the respondent to rate the service.
  • Open-Ended Feedback:
    • Overall Experience: Collects detailed feedback about the respondent’s experience.
    • Suggestions for Improvement: Provides space for any suggestions by the respondent.

Sign up with WPForms today to access the Multi-Section Survey Form Template. This tool is perfect for businesses, organizations, and service providers looking to make collecting and managing feedback efficient and straightforward.