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How likely are you to
Very UnlikelyUnlikelyNeutralLikelyVery Likely
Use our chat service again
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Recommend our chat service to others
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Recommend our company to others
Very Unlikely
Very Likely

With our Live Chat Feedback Form template, you can easily gather essential insights to refine your customer service experience and ensure that your team is consistently meeting expectations.

Using the Live Chat Feedback Form Template

Here’s why adding this form to your website is a smart move for businesses looking to elevate their customer support:

  • Feedback Collection: Our form starts by capturing basic details such as the customer’s name, email, and agent name, along with the date of the chat. These fields help in tracking and reviewing specific interactions, making it easier to address any issues or commendations related to individual agents.
  • Understanding Customer Needs: By including the reason for contact, you gain valuable insight into why customers are reaching out. This information helps you identify common issues and tailor your support services to better meet customer needs.
  • Measuring Satisfaction: The satisfaction rating out of 5 stars provides a clear and concise way to gauge overall customer satisfaction with the chat experience. Coupled with the “Was the issue resolved?” dropdown menu, this allows you to measure not just the interaction quality but also the effectiveness of your support.
  • Agent Performance Insights: This form also includes questions about the agent’s speed of response and clarity of communication, with dropdown options like Fast, Average, Slow, and Clear, Somewhat Clear, Unclear. These metrics are crucial for assessing individual agent performance and identifying areas for training and improvement.
  • Customer Loyalty Indicators: Our form features a Likert scale to measure how likely customers are to use the chat service again, recommend it to others, and recommend the company overall. These indicators are key to understanding customer loyalty and the long-term impact of your customer service efforts.
  • Actionable Feedback: The space for additional comments or suggestions offers customers the opportunity to provide open-ended feedback, giving you deeper insights into their experience and suggestions for service enhancements.

By listening to their experiences and acting on their suggestions, you can ensure that your live chat support remains a valuable and effective channel for customer communication. Get the Live Chat Feedback Form template and thousands of other templates for your site by signing up with WPForms today!