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Personal Information

Full Name
Permanent Address

Academic Information

Disability Information

Requested Accommodations
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Authorization and Signature

Clear Signature

The Learning Disability Accommodation Form Template by WPForms is designed for educational institutions seeking information to support students with learning disabilities.

How Does the Learning Disability Accommodation Form Template Work?

The Learning Disability Accommodation Form Template requires the WPForms Pro License and the Signature Addon to acquire consent for accommodation preferences. Fields include:

  • Personal Information:
    • Full Name: Captures the student’s name.
    • Date of Birth: Records the student’s birth date.
    • Gender: Indicates the student’s gender.
    • Phone Number: Contact number for further communication.
    • Email Address: For sending updates and correspondence.
    • Permanent Address: The student’s home address.
  • Academic Information:
    • Current Institution: The name of the institution where the student is enrolled.
    • Field of Study: The student’s major or area of study.
    • Year of Study: The current academic year of the student.
    • GPA: The student’s grade point average.
  • Disability Information:
    • Type of Disability: Describes the nature of the student’s disability.
    • Date of Diagnosis: When the disability was diagnosed.
    • Diagnosing Professional: Name of the professional who diagnosed the disability.
    • Summary of Disability: A brief overview of the disability.
    • Requested Accommodations: Accommodations the student is requesting.
    • Supporting Documents: Uploads for documentation supporting the request.
  • Authorization and Signature:
    • Agreement Checkbox: Ensures the student agrees to the terms and conditions.
    • Signature and Date: For the student to formally sign off.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Learning Disability Accommodation Form Template to help provide support to special needs students who require specific accommodations.