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Personal Information

Full Name

Project Details

Room Details

Additional Notes

The Home Renovation Project Form Template by WPForms is a great tool for contractors and homeowners who need a simple way to manage renovation projects.

How Does the Home Renovation Project Form Template Work?

The Home Renovation Project Form Template requires the WPForms Basic License. It utilizes several Fancy Fields, including the Repeater Field, which allows users to input multiple sets of fields repeatedly.

This feature is particularly useful for entering details of each room in the renovation project without needing to fill out separate forms for each room. Here’s a brief description of the fields included:

  • Personal Information:
    • Full Name: Collects the full name of the project owner.
    • Email Address: Gathers the email address for communication and updates.
    • Phone Number: Collects the phone number for direct contact.
  • Project Details:
    • Project Name: Records the name of the renovation project.
    • Start Date: Specifies the start date of the project.
    • End Date: Indicates the end date of the project.
    • Budget Estimate: Captures the estimated budget for the renovation.
  • Room Details (Repeater Field):
    • Room Name: Records the name of each room being renovated.
    • Square Footage: Captures the size of each room.
    • Materials Needed: Lists the materials required for the renovation.
    • Estimated Cost: Estimates the cost for renovating each room.
  • Additional Information:
    • Special Requirements: Notes any special requirements for the room.
    • Comments or Questions: Provides space for any additional comments or questions.

Sign up with WPForms today to access the Home Renovation Project Form Template. This tool is perfect for contractors, interior designers, and homeowners looking to manage home renovation projects easily.