Templates Nonprofit Donation Gift Aid Claim Form Template

Gift Aid Claim Form Template

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Donor Information


Donation Details


Taxpayer Status

Declaration Statement

The Gift Aid Claim Form Template is a game-changer for nonprofits aiming to optimize their financial resources through gift aid forms.

How Does the Gift Aid Form Template Work?

It makes claiming Gift Aid a breeze, helping your charity unlock extra funding effortlessly from the UK government. Key sections of the form include:

  • Donor Information: The first section is all about identifying the benefactor. It captures the donor’s name, contact details, and address. This way, reaching out for a thank-you note or any follow-up becomes a cinch.
  • Donation Specifics: This section allows the donor to note the amount of their contribution and its type (one-time or monthly). It also provides a Stripe Credit Card Information field to process the donation amounts.
  • Taxpayer Status: Not every donor is a taxpayer, and that’s okay. This part helps in discerning who among your donors are UK taxpayers and also offers choices between Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax to clarify the nature of the tax paid by the donor.
  • Gift Aid Declaration: The most critical part, perhaps is the Gift Aid Declaration section, which contains a checkbox for the donor to confirm their willingness for the charity to claim Gift Aid on their donation.

By leveraging the Gift Aid Claim Form Template, nonprofits can easily and precisely navigate the complex landscape of tax reclaim. So why wait? Sign up with WPForms today and take a significant step toward streamlining your charitable activities.