Templates Calculator Final Grade Calculator Form Template

Final Grade Calculator Form Template

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Score: 0%
Desired grade: 0%
Weight: 0%

Are you an educator looking to provide valuable tools to those you oversee? Then you need the Final Grade Calculator Form Template from WPForms.

This form is designed to help students and learners determine what they need to achieve on their final exam to attain their desired course grade.

Navigating the Final Grade Calculator Form Template

These are all of the fields and functions we’ve included on our form template:

  • Name and Email: First, users have the option to input their name, personalizing the user experience without being mandatory for the form’s functionality. Then, users enter their email address in this field and will receive the calculated results in their inbox.
  • Current Grade Percentage and Letter Grade: Users input their current grade percentage using a slider, which helps determine the desired final exam score. Then, the accompanying field automatically calculates and displays the corresponding letter grade based on the entered percentages.
  • Final Grade Percentage and Letter Grade: Here, users set their desired final grade percentage using another slider, allowing the form to calculate the required final exam score. Like the previous fields, the form calculates and displays the corresponding letter grade based on the entered percentages, adding clarity to the results.
  • Weight of Exam: Users input the weight of the final exam within the overall course grading, helping calculate the required score more accurately.
  • Required Exam Score: The form calculates and displays the required exam score needed to achieve the desired final grade, simplifying academic goal-setting.

So, why wait? Enhance your website today by adding the Final Grade Calculator Form, and watch how it transforms the user experience while benefiting your online presence. Sign up with WPForms to gain access to this and thousands of other form templates for your website.