Templates Nonprofit Donation Fellowship Application Form Template

Fellowship Application Form Template

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Are you offering a fellowship to academics or professionals in your field? You’ll need a fellowship application form! If you have a WordPress website, the WPForms’ Attendance Form Template is ideal for getting started.

Why Use a Fellowship Form Template?

Fellowships can be a great opportunity for research and learning both for the fellow and the fellowship granting institution. However, this typically only happens when there’s a good fit between the two. A well-designed fellowship application form will help facilitate this, and the WPforms’ Fellowship Application Form Template does this very well.

The template begins with Name, Email, Phone, and Address fields to help you collect essential information on applicants. Next, there is a single-line text field labeled Research Area. This will allow you to see straightaway whether or not a candidate’s interests are aligned with your organization’s.

You may also be interested in learning about an applicant’s educational background. So the template includes a dropdown field asking what their highest level of education is. This field includes  3 options set up with some conditional logic. These options are Post Graduate degree, Undergraduate Degree, and Other.

If users choose Post Graduate Degree, the form will then show additional single-line text fields labeled Post Graduate University and Undergraduate University respectively.

If they choose Undergraduate Degree, the form will show only the Undergraduate Degree field. If users choose Other, they’ll see neither of these fields. Instead, the form will show a Paragraph Text field with the label, “Please share any relevant details.”

Some other notable fields on this template include File Upload fields for uploading their CV and cover letter, as well as a signature field.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own fellowship application form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and hundreds of other pre-made templates.