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Very Satisfied
Opportunities for Professional Growth
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Very Satisfied

Understanding why employees leave your company is crucial for improving retention, company culture, and overall employee satisfaction. Our Employee Exit Survey Form template is designed to collect honest feedback from departing team members, helping organizations make informed decisions about workplace improvements.

How Does the Employee Exit Survey Form Template Work?

Like all of our form templates, this one is totally customizable. But to get you started, we’ve included all of the fields and functionality you need. Here’s how it works:

  • Comprehensive Employee Data Collection: The form starts by gathering essential details such as the employee’s full name, email, job title, department, and employment dates. This information provides a clear overview of the individual’s role and tenure.
  • Assessing Job Satisfaction and Key Factors: With the “Overall Job Satisfaction” rating and specific satisfaction levels for management, compensation, work-life balance, and professional growth, this form allows organizations to pinpoint areas where employees may have been dissatisfied. Using a Likert scale ensures that the feedback is structured and easy to analyze, giving HR and leadership teams the data needed to address systemic issues.
  • Actionable Feedback for Improvement: The “Suggestions for Improvement” field invites departing employees to share their thoughts on what the company could do better. This open-ended feedback often reveals valuable insights, from management style and workplace culture to compensation packages or growth opportunities that employees felt were lacking.

Exit surveys are more than just a formal process—they are a gateway to better understanding employee needs and challenges. Gain access to the Employee Exit Survey Form template and thousands of other templates for your site by signing up with WPForms today.