Templates Education Educational Video Consent Form Template

Educational Video Consent Form Template

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Participant Name
Parent or Guardian Name (if applicable)
The intended use of the educational video.
What the participant will be doing or saying in the video.
e.g. use, distribution, and reproduction of the video.
Confidentiality Clause
Clear Signature

Do you need to obtain consent from participants in an educational video? Our Educational Video Consent Form Template simplifies this process, ensuring clarity and compliance with privacy regulations.

Why Should I Use the Educational Video Consent Form Template?

Here’s a breakdown of this form template’s fields, functionality, and benefits:

  • Efficient Participant Information Collection: Our form starts by collecting essential participant details, including their name, parent or guardian name (if applicable), contact email, and phone number. This way, all necessary contact information is readily available for communication purposes.
  • Detailed Video Information: The form prompts users to specify the purpose of the educational video, providing clarity on its intended use. Participants or guardians can also describe the participant’s role in the video, ensuring that everyone understands their involvement. Additionally, the form outlines the rights granted for the video’s use, distribution, and reproduction, establishing clear guidelines for its future dissemination.
  • Confidentiality Agreement: Participants or guardians are required to agree to a confidentiality clause, affirming their commitment to keeping any shared information, including videos, materials, and discussions, confidential. This checkbox ensures that sensitive information remains protected and is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. The participant’s or guardian’s signature then seals their agreement to the terms and details of the contract.

Ready to simplify your consent process and focus on creating engaging educational videos? Sign up with WPForms and start using our Educational Video Consent Form Template today.