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Very Unlikely
Very Likely

Gathering feedback is one of the most effective ways to improve a digital product and ensure it meets user expectations. Whether you’re a SaaS provider, a software developer, or an e-commerce store offering digital products, our Digital Product Feedback Form template helps you collect actionable insights from your customers.

Using the Digital Product Feedback Form Template

This form allows users to provide their thoughts on usability, features, and overall experience, helping you identify areas for improvement and build a better product. Here’s how it works:

  • Comprehensive User Feedback: This form starts by capturing key details like the product name or version and the duration of use. These fields provide context about the customer’s relationship with the product, helping you differentiate between feedback from long-term users and those who are just getting started.
  • In-Depth Feature Insights: With a dedicated section asking which features users find most useful, this form helps highlight your product’s strengths. 
  • User Experience Rating: Customers can rate their overall experience and the product’s ease of use on a 5-star scale. These ratings provide a quick snapshot of satisfaction and can help you pinpoint areas where improvements are needed.
  • Challenges and Satisfaction Gauging: By asking users about any challenges they’ve encountered, this form helps you identify pain points or potential obstacles in the user journey. Additionally, the Likert scale questions assess satisfaction with the product, service, and company overall, offering a deeper understanding of customer sentiment across multiple dimensions.
  • Likelihood to Return and Recommend: With questions assessing how likely users are to buy again or recommend your product and company, this form gauges customer loyalty and advocacy. 
  • Open-Ended Feedback: The additional comments or suggestions section invites customers to share any extra thoughts, enabling them to provide detailed feedback, suggest new features, or offer specific improvements that can elevate the user experience.

Customer feedback is crucial for refining your digital product and ensuring it meets user needs. Our Digital Product Feedback Form template helps you collect structured and insightful feedback, allowing your team to focus on key areas for improvement while recognizing the product’s strengths.