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Consent to Publish Testimonial

Client testimonials are a powerful tool for establishing credibility and trust in your business. Our Client Testimonial Form template makes it easy to gather impactful feedback from your clients, helping you showcase your successes and attract new customers.

Why Should I Use the Client Testimonial Form Template?

These are just a few of the ways that using this form on your website can benefit your business:

  • Information Collection: This form collects all the essential details in one go, starting with the client’s name, email, company name, and job title. This information not only lends credibility to the testimonials but also helps potential clients see that your services are trusted by reputable organizations.
  • Focus on Relevant Experiences: The “Project or Service Provided” field allows clients to specify which of your offerings they are providing feedback on. This context is crucial for potential customers seeking services similar to what they see in the testimonials. 
  • Testimonials with Satisfaction Ratings: The “Testimonial Statement” field invites clients to share their genuine thoughts about your service. Coupled with the satisfaction rating slider (from 0 to 10), you gain a quantifiable measure of client satisfaction that can be prominently displayed in your promotional materials. High ratings provide social proof that reinforces the quality of your services.
  • Consent for Marketing Use: To ensure transparency and compliance, the form includes a checkbox for clients to consent to the publication of their testimonial. This step not only protects your business but also fosters trust with clients, as they are fully informed about how their feedback will be used.

By showcasing authentic testimonials and satisfaction ratings, you enhance your brand’s reputation, attract new clients, and ultimately drive growth. Get the Client Testimonial Form template from WPForms and build the bridge between your business and potential customers today!