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Classroom Information

Classroom Rules

Respect Others
  • Listen when others are speaking. Treat classmates and teacher with respect.
Be Prepared and Punctual
  • Arrive on time with necessary materials.
Participate Actively
  • Engage in classroom discussions and activities.
Follow Directions
  • Listen and adhere to instructions the first time they are given.
Maintain a Positive Learning Environment
  • Keep the classroom clean and organized. No bullying or disruptive behavior.

Acknowledgement and Agreement

Student Name
Clear Signature

The Classroom Rules Agreement Form Template is a solution designed for schools, colleges, institutes, or educationalists who want to create a more responsible environment in classrooms.  It asks students to provide their agreement to a predefined set of rules, which must be adhered to at all costs.

How Does the Classroom Rules Agreement Form Template Work?

The Classroom Rules Agreement Form Template requires the WPForms Pro License, since it uses the Signature Field to capture the formal acknowledgment of the student for the classroom rules to develop a sense of responsibility. Fields include:

  • Classroom Information:
    • Teacher’s Name: Pre-filled with the educator’s name, this field instantly personalizes the form for each class.
    • Grade/Subject: Also pre-filled, it specifies the grade level and subject matter, making the form relevant to the class.
    • School Year: This pre-filled field indicates the academic year, ensuring the form’s relevance to the current term.
    • Number of Students: Pre-filled based on class size; this field aids in record-keeping and organization.
  • Classroom Rules:
    • Rules: A comprehensive list of rules is pre-filled, outlining the expected behavior and norms in the classroom.
  • Acknowledgment and Agreement:
    • Student Name: To be filled out by each student, this field personalizes the commitment to the classroom rules.
    • Read and Understood Rules: A checkbox for students to acknowledge that they have read and understood the classroom rules.
    • Agree to Adhere to Rules: Another checkbox where students confirm their agreement to follow the set rules.
    • Student’s Signature and Date: This field, completed by the student, formalizes their commitment to the classroom expectations.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Classroom Rules Agreement Form Template. It is ideal for teachers and educational administrators who want to simplify the process of rule setting and agreement while fostering a sense of responsibility among students.