Templates Nonprofit Church Directory Form Template

Church Directory Form Template

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Your Details

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Spouse Details

Spouse's Name
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May we add your info to the public directory?

The Church Directory form template is ideal for churches looking to add their members’ information to their public directory. Using this form template, you can gather essential details about your church members. Also, through this form, you can get the members’ permission to display their information publicly to other church members.

How Does the Church Directory Form Template Work?

The Church Directory form template provides structured fields to collect the information. The form is divided into 2 sections. In the first section, it stores the church members’ details. The second section is for the married members, where they can fill in their spouse’s details.

In the first section, the form asks for the individuals’ names, birthdates, and photos for proper identification and for registering the individuals in your church’s directory. Members can also share their email and phone numbers to allow church management to communicate with them. You can send them updates and information about the upcoming events at the church through their contact information.

The second section stores the married individuals’ spouses’ details. Members’ spouses can share their names, birthdates, and photos for their proper identification and to register them in your public directory. Spouses can also share their email and phone to let church officials send them updates. Married members can specify their marriage anniversary for acknowledgment and celebration within the Church community.

Moreover, the form asks for members’ addresses to allow church management to send them physical mail and gifts on auspicious occasions.

The form concludes by obtaining consent from members to add their information to the church’s public directory for display. This field not only takes their permission but also ensures that you value their privacy.

Using the Church Directory form template, you can streamline information collection from your members.

Access the Church Directory form template by signing up with WPForms to easily gather your church’s members’ contact information.