Templates Registrations Recreational Registration Book Signing Event Registration Form Template

Book Signing Event Registration Form Template

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Attendee Information

Full Name

Event Details

Event Date & Time

Consent and Agreement

Photo Permission
Event Updates
Clear Signature

The Book Signing Event Registration Form Template by WPForms helps event organizers easily manage attendee registrations for any upcoming book signing event, which assists in planning the event more proactively.

How Does the Book Signing Event Registration Form Template Work?

The Book Signing Event Registration Form Template requires the WPForms Pro License and the Signature Addon to capture all essential details from attendees and incorporate digital signatures for a personal touch. Fields include:

  • Attendee Information:
    • Full Name: Captures the attendee’s name, ensuring personalization throughout the event.
    • Email Address: Essential for sending event confirmations and further communications.
    • Phone Number: For immediate contact if there are any last-minute changes or updates.
  • Event Details:
    • Event Date & Time: Pre-filled with the specific details, informing registrants of when the event happens.
    • Book Title: Allows attendees to select or enter the book title they’re bringing for a signature, facilitating preparation by the organizers.
    • Special Inscription Request: Offers a space for attendees to request personalized messages, adding a unique touch to their signed copies.
  • Agreement:
    • Photo Permission: Gathers consent for photos during the event, which is crucial for promotional activities post-event.
    • Event Updates: Enables attendees to opt-in for future communications, keeping the community engaged.
    • Signature: The digital sign-off by the attendee, confirming their registration and agreement to the event’s terms.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Book Signing Event Registration Form Template. It is perfect for authors, publishers, and event organizers for streamlining the administrative side of book signing events.