Templates Event Planning Barrel Race Entry Form Template

Barrel Race Entry Form Template

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Rider Information

Rider's Name

Horse Information

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Name

Consents & Waivers

Photo and Video Consent
The participant consents to the use of their appearance in photo and video materials shared by this organization.
Release of Liability
The participant understands and acknowledges the inherent risks associated with the activity/event. The participant releases the organization and its representatives from any claims or liabilities arising from participation in the activity/event. The participant agrees to indemnify and hold the organization harmless from any claims brought against the organization as a result of their actions or negligence.
Clear Signature

Entry Fee

Price: $25.00

In the thrilling world of barrel racing, precision and preparation are key. That’s why incorporating a Barrel Race Entry Form on your website can transform the way riders register for events, streamlining the process and enhancing the overall participant experience.

Why Should I Use The Barrel Race Entry Form Template?

Here’s a breakdown of the components of this dynamic form, and why its incorporation is a game-changer for any equestrian organization:

  • Efficient Rider and Horse Information Collection: The Barrel Race Entry Form begins by seamlessly collecting essential details from riders, including their name, age, date of birth, contact information, and address. Simultaneously, it captures crucial horse information, such as the horse’s name, age, and breed. This comprehensive approach ensures a clear and organized roster for event organizers.
  • Emergency Preparedness with Contact Information: Incorporating fields for emergency contact information reinforces a commitment to rider safety. Gathering emergency contact names, phone numbers, and emails enables event organizers to respond promptly to unforeseen circumstances, prioritizing the well-being of participants.
  • Consents & Waivers for Clarity and Accountability: Including photo and video consent checkboxes demonstrates transparency in media usage. Moreover, the comprehensive release of liability section ensures that participants understand the inherent risks associated with barrel racing. By agreeing to indemnify and hold the organization harmless, participants acknowledge their responsibility, fostering a safer event environment.
  • Digital Payment for Seamless Transactions: The integration of a Stripe Credit Card field allows for smooth and secure transactions. Participants can conveniently pay the one-time entry fee of $25.00 (which you can customize) directly through the form, eliminating the need for separate payment processes.

Saddle up for success and get the Barrel Race Entry Form Template for your website today! Signing up with WPForms grants access to this form template and thousands of other templates for your site.