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Classroom Information

I Pledge To

Be Kind
  • Always be kind and respectful to everyone, regardless of our differences.
Speak Up
  • Speak up against bullying whenever I see it, without putting myself in danger.
Reach Out
  • Offer support to those who have been bullied and encourage them to talk to a trusted adult.
Encourage Respect:
  • Promote a culture of respect and inclusion within my school and community.
Report Incidents
  • Report bullying incidents to teachers, counselors, or parents to avoid future incidents.

Acknowledgement and Agreement

Student Name
Clear Signature

Are you looking for a way to stop bullying and encourage a predefined set of rules in your classroom? Check out the Anti-Bullying Pledge Form Template by WPForms!

How Does the Anti-Bullying Pledge Form Template Work?

The Anti-Bullying Pledge Form Template requires the WPForms Pro License and the Signature Addon to accept the anti-bullying pledges. Fields include:

  • Classroom Information:
    • Teacher’s Name: Pre-filled with the educator’s name for identification.
    • Grade/Subject: Also pre-filled, it specifies the grade level and subject.
    • School Year: This pre-filled field indicates the academic year.
    • Number of Students: Pre-filled based on class size.
  • I Pledge To:
    • Rules: A comprehensive list of rules is pre-filled that students must be read and acknowledge, such as being kind, respectful, and report incidents.
  • Acknowledgment and Agreement:
    • Student Name: To be filled out by each student for identification.
    • Read and Understood Rules: A checkbox for students to acknowledge.
    • Agree to Adhere to Rules: Another checkbox where students confirm their agreement.
    • Signature Field: This field formalizes student commitment to classroom expectations.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Anti-Bullying Pledge Form Template to simplify the rule-setting process to prevent bullying.