Templates Health & Wellness Acupuncture Intake Form Template

Acupuncture Intake Form Template

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Personal Information

Full Name

Health History

Lifestyle Information

Consent and Agreement


The Acupuncture Intake Form Template by WPForms is the best solution for acupuncturists to simplify the onboarding and management of new patients.

How Does the Acupuncture Intake Form Template Work?

The Acupuncture Intake Form Template is tailored to gather comprehensive patient information efficiently. It’s designed to work with the WPForms Pro license and the Signature Addon. Here’s a brief description of the fields included:

  • Personal Information:
    • Full Name: Captures the patient’s name for personal identification and record-keeping.
    • Date of Birth: Vital for understanding the patient’s age, which can be important in treatment planning.
    • Gender: Provides context for the practitioner in terms of specific health issues or treatment approaches.
    • Email Address: Essential for electronic communication, appointment confirmations, and follow-ups.
    • Phone Number: A direct contact method for appointment reminders or urgent communications.
  • Health History:
    • Primary Health Concerns: Allows patients to describe the main issues they wish to address through acupuncture.
    • Duration of Current Health Concerns: Gives insight into the regularity or intensity of the patient’s issues.
    • Past Treatments for These Concerns: Informs the practitioner of what has been tried previously, aiding in treatment planning.
    • Past/Current Medical Conditions: Crucial for a complete health picture, impacting acupuncture methods.
    • Surgeries or Hospitalizations: Highlights significant medical events that may influence treatment.
    • Family Health History: Offers clues about genetic or familial conditions that might be relevant.
  • Lifestyle Information:
    • Dietary Habits: Reflects on the patient’s nutrition, which can be integral to holistic health and treatment.
    • Exercise Routine: Provides a snapshot of the patient’s physical activity level, important for overall wellness.
    • Sleep Patterns: Sleep quality can significantly impact health; this field gathers relevant information.
    • Stress Levels: Stress is a key health factor; understanding a patient’s stress helps tailor treatment.
    • Tobacco Use: Tobacco consumption can affect health and treatment outcomes.
    • Alcohol Use: Alcohol habits are important in understanding a patient’s overall health.
  • Consent and Agreement:
    • Checkbox: A necessary step, ensuring the patient agrees to the terms of treatment and understands the acupuncture process.
    • Signature and Date: A place for the person wanting to undergo the acupuncture treatment to provide their signature.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Acupuncture Intake Form Template. It is ideal for acupuncturists who want to focus more on patient care and less on paperwork.