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If you host virtual conferences, gathering participant feedback is essential for continuous improvement and delivering exceptional experiences.

A well-crafted Virtual Conference Feedback Form is an invaluable tool for achieving this. By integrating our customizable template into your site, you can start collecting valuable feedback right away.

Navigating  the Virtual Conference Feedback Form Template

Our comprehensive template collects all necessary information in one place, making it a great addition to any virtual conference.

It advances through the feedback questions with one screen at a time, so that it doesn’t overwhelm your user. Here’s how it works:

  • Participant and Conference Information: The participant’s name, email address, job title, and company/organization are collected, along with information on the conference name and the date of attendance, crucial for context in the feedback analysis.
  • Experience Ratings: Participants rate their overall experience and the quality of presentations on scales of 1 to 5, helping you gauge content effectiveness. Your form user also rates the quality of the virtual platform used, and assesses how easily participants could navigate the conference platform, highlighting usability issues.
  • Speaker and Networking Evaluations: Participants then rate the effectiveness of speakers on a 1 to 5 scale, providing insights into speaker performance. They also evaluate the networking opportunities available, which are essential for improving participant engagement.
  • Session Feedback and Tech Issues: Identifies the most valuable and least valuable sessions attended, helping refine future agendas, and documents any technical issues encountered, allowing for technical troubleshooting and enhancements.
  • Future Engagement: This form uses a Likert scale to measure participants’ likelihood to attend future conferences and recommend them to colleagues, indicating overall satisfaction and potential for word-of-mouth promotion.
  • Suggestions and Follow-Up: The form collects ideas for future events, keeping your content relevant and engaging, and allows for open-ended feedback, capturing unique insights and actionable suggestions.
  • Permission to Contact for Follow-up: Asks if participants are open to follow-up contact, helping you build ongoing relationships.

So, what are you waiting for? Get the Virtual Conference Feedback Form Template and start collecting valuable feedback today!