Templates Event Planning Travel Consent Form Template

Travel Consent Form Template

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Parent/Guardian Name

Travel Information

Destination Address

Traveler's Information

Current Address

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Name


I agree that the above mentioned traveler may:

Would you like to collect consent forms for travelers directly on your website? If so, then you need the Travel Consent Form Template from WPForms.

This consent form can be used for travelers of all ages and is fully customizable to reflect the details of your planned trip.

What Goes Onto a Travel Consent Form?

On our consent form, users will first enter their name, the name of a parent or guardian, and their email address.

Next, the Travel Consent Form gathers the travel information with these fields:

  • Travel Destination
  • Destination Address
  • Date of Departure
  • Date of Return
  • Reason for Travel

Then, our form collects the traveler’s information with the following fields and questions:

  • Date of Birth
  • Current Address
  • Does the traveler have any medical conditions? (Yes or No)
  • Are there any known allergies? (Yes or No)
  • Are there any specific dietary requirements not covered above? (Yes or No)

Form users will then provide the name, phone number, and email of an emergency contact person.

Lastly, the form user will consent to the travel terms provided on the form by checking a box for each. These terms are that the traveler may take part in the trip detailed above, and that the traveler may be given first aid or urgent medical treatment in any event. Like all of the fields and questions included on this form template, you can edit the terms you need consent for however you see fit.

The form user will then provide their signature and submit the form.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own Travel Consent Form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and thousands of other pre-made templates.