Templates Event Planning Simple Waiver Form Template

Simple Waiver Form Template

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Participant's Name
Participant's Address
Terms & Conditions
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Do you want legal protection to release you or your organization from liability during a specific activity or event? If you do, then you need the Simple Waiver Form Template from WPForms.

Waiver Forms are commonly used for activities such as sports events, fitness classes, recreational activities, and other potentially risky endeavors.

Using the Simple Waiver Form Template

The Simple Waiver Form is typically used to protect businesses, organizations, or individuals from legal claims and provides a clear understanding of the risks involved.

By signing the waiver, participants acknowledge the risks involved and agree not to hold the party responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur.

You can get the protection of a Simple Waiver Form with our ready-made template that you can either use right away or further customize to fit your needs.

On our form template, we’ve included these fields:

  • Participant’s Name
  • Participant’s Date of Birth
  • Participant’s Address
  • Participant’s Email
  • Participant’s Phone
  • Description of Activity
  • Terms & Conditions

In the Terms & Conditions section, the form user checks 2 boxes that indicate their agreements. The first reads, “I release all liability and responsibility” and the second states, “I acknowledge the potential risk of my participation”.

Lastly, the form user or participant’s parent/guardian signs and dates the Simple Waiver Form.

Utilizing a Simple Waiver Form Template on your website offers a practical and efficient way to protect your business, establish clear expectations, and provide a professional experience for your participants.

Get started with WPForms today to create and customize your own Simple Waiver Form. Signing up with WPForms gives you access to this and hundreds of other pre-made templates.