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Creating online courses that meet learners’ needs is a key part of building a successful educational platform. Our Online Course Suggestion Form template helps gather input from students, instructors, or industry professionals who have valuable ideas for new courses.

Why Should I Use the Online Course Suggestion Form Template?

This form provides a structured way to submit course proposals, ensuring that new offerings align with audience demands and educational goals. Here’s how it works:

  • Detailed Course Suggestions: The form begins by collecting basic contact details like the name and email of the person submitting the suggestion. The key input comes with the course title suggestion, where the proposer shares a concise, engaging title for the potential course. To further categorize the course, the Course Category dropdown menu helps define the subject matter—whether it’s business, technology, health, or another field.
  • Audience and Format Alignment: The Target Audience dropdown allows the proposer to select whether the course is aimed at beginners, intermediate learners, or advanced students. The form also asks for the preferred course format, with options like video, live sessions, or self-paced learning. The Estimated Course Duration field further clarifies whether the course is designed to be a short, one-hour session or a longer program spanning days or weeks.
  • Learning Objectives and Benefits: The Reason for Suggesting this Course field offers the proposer a chance to explain the motivation behind the suggestion. Additionally, the form asks for the learning objectives or skills gained, providing clear outcomes that the course aims to achieve. Lastly, the How Will This Course Benefit Learners? section prompts the proposer to describe how the course will enhance learners’ skills or knowledge.

The Online Course Suggestion Form template is an effective tool for gathering new course ideas from a wide range of stakeholders. By collecting comprehensive details about the course topic, target audience, and potential benefits, this form helps educational platforms build relevant, high-quality courses that meet the evolving needs of their learners.