Templates Marketing Newsletter Newsletter Approval Form Template

Newsletter Approval Form Template

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Contributor Information


Newsletter Information

Enter Newsletter Content Below
Please be sure to include all formatting, headings, links, and images. Content is subject to editorial review prior to being sent and must comply with contributor guidelines.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload a high-quality image relevant to the newsletter. Ensure you have rights to use this image.
Are you ready to submit your newsletter?

The Newsletter Approval Form Template by WPForms streamlines the newsletter creation and approval process. It is designed for teams aiming for efficiency and collaboration in their workflows related to email campaigns.

How Does the Newsletter Approval Form Template Work?

The Newsletter Approval Form Template requires the WPForms Pro License and the Post Submissions Addon to simplify the newsletter review and approval process and speed up the process of sending out emails. Fields include:

  • Full Name: The name of the person submitting the newsletter, ensuring accountability and ease of follow-up.
  • Email Address: For communication-related to the approval process, ensuring the submitter is kept in the loop.
  • Phone Number: An alternative contact method, guaranteeing quick resolution ofurgent matters.
  • Newsletter Title: The headline of your newsletter, setting the tone and theme for the newsletter.
  • Newsletter Pre-Header: A short summary that appears next to your newsletter title in many email clients.
  • Enter Newsletter Content: The main body of your newsletter, where all your valuable information goes.
  • Newsletter Excerpt: A brief highlight or summary of the newsletter content, useful for previews or email snippets.
  • Featured Image: The primary image or graphic that accompanies the newsletter, adding visual appeal.
  • Comments or Special Instructions: Any additional notes or guidelines the reviewer needs to know.
  • Are you ready to submit your newsletter?: A final confirmation that the submitter has reviewed the content and is ready for the approval process.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Newsletter Approval Form Template. It is the ideal solution for marketing teams, communication departments, and anyone in charge of crafting and sending newsletters on a regular basis.