Templates Event Planning Neighborhood Feedback Form Template

Neighborhood Feedback Form Template

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How many of your neighbors do you know?
None of themA few of themSome of themMost of themAll of them
None of them
A few of them
Some of them
Most of them
All of them
How strong is the sense of community in this neighborhood?
Not at all strongSlightly strongModerately strongVery strongExtremely strong
Not at all strong
Slightly strong
Moderately strong
Very strong
Extremely strong
How often do you attend events in this neighborhood?
Not at all oftenSlightly oftenModerately oftenVery oftenExtremely often
Not at all often
Slightly often
Moderately often
Very often
Extremely often
How often do you participate in activities in this neighborhood?
Not at all oftenSlightly oftenModerately oftenVery oftenExtremely often
Not at all often
Slightly often
Moderately often
Very often
Extremely often
How often do you visit the parks in this neighborhood?
Not at all oftenSlightly oftenModerately oftenVery oftenExtremely often
Not at all often
Slightly often
Moderately often
Very often
Extremely often
How satisfied are you with the parks in this neighborhood?
Extremely dissatisfiedSlightly dissatisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSlightly satisfiedExtremely satisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
Slightly dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Slightly satisfied
Extremely satisfied
How well are the streets in this neighborhood maintained?
Not at all wellSlightly wellModerately wellVery wellExtremely well
Not at all well
Slightly well
Moderately well
Very well
Extremely well
How safe do you feel in this neighborhood?
Not at all safeSlightly safeModerately safeVery safeExtremely safe
Not at all safe
Slightly safe
Moderately safe
Very safe
Extremely safe
How clean is this neighborhood?
Not at all cleanSlightly cleanModerately cleanVery cleanExtremely clean
Not at all clean
Slightly clean
Moderately clean
Very clean
Extremely clean
How proud are you to live in this neighborhood?
Not at all proudSlightly proudModerately proudVery proudExtremely proud
Not at all proud
Slightly proud
Moderately proud
Very proud
Extremely proud
How promising is the future of this neighborhood?
Not at all promisingSlightly promisingModerately promisingVery promisingExtremely promising
Not at all promising
Slightly promising
Moderately promising
Very promising
Extremely promising
Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience living in this neighborhood?
Extremely dissatisfiedSlightly dissatisfiedNeither satisfied or dissatisfiedSlightly satisfiedExtremely satisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
Slightly dissatisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Slightly satisfied
Extremely satisfied

Do you currently hold a position on your neighborhood’s HOA board or are you a part of the community watch group? If so, then you need the WPForms neighborhood feedback form to find out how your neighbors feel about the community they call home.

You can use WPForms’ neighborhood feedback form template to easily create a feedback form and find out how people in your neighborhood feel about the look of your neighborhood, the sense of community amongst all neighbors, the events that are hosted, and even the level of security within the neighborhood.

We have created a neighborhood feedback form demo below that you can use to easily get started without any technical knowledge.

What’s in the Neighborhood Feedback Form Template

Launch this form as-is or customize it to your heart’s content!

With our simple Neighborhood Feedback Form Template you get the following form fields:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Likert Scale
  • Paragraph Text

Of course, this is just a neighborhood feedback form sample to get you started.

You can use our easy to use drag & drop form builder to add, remove, and customize the fields as needed.

For instance, if your neighborhood has an online newsletter that outlines things such as construction that will affect community members, events that will be hosted, new rules and regulations, and even fun lifestyle tips and tricks, you’ll want to get as many people signed up as possible. This will foster a sense of community and make sure everyone is on the same page about the neighborhood’s dealings. Luckily, WPForms has a newsletter checkbox you can add to any form, even the neighborhood feedback form.

If you prefer, you can also change the multiple choice questions to appear in the form of a Likert Scale so you can collect even more valuable data in your survey reports about how your neighbors feel so you can make positive improvements people will appreciate.

And if people in the neighborhood rate your community poorly, you can enable smart conditional logic to appear so they have a chance to explain their feelings. This is especially helpful if you are the property manager of an apartment complex and rely on the positive reviews of previous and current residents to fill your vacancies.

By giving people within a community a chance to share their opinions, you build trust and make them feel as though you really care. The more this happens, the more you’ll find that people will want to meet with others and get involved in community events. And if you’re the property manager of a rental community, you’ll find that the happier people are, and the more they feel you care about their opinions, the more likely they’ll be to renew their leases with you come the end of their tenancies.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with WPForms today to create your own neighborhood feedback form. Bonus, we’ll give you our neighborhood feedback form template and over 100+ other pre-made form templates!