Templates Registrations Marathon Registration Form Template

Marathon Registration Form Template

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Personal Information

Mailing Address

Race Details

Previous Marathon Experience

Health and Fitness Information

Waiver and Consent

Clear Signature

Payment Information


The Marathon Registration Form Template by WPForms provides an easy solution for marathon organizers, facilitators, and coordinators to streamline the registration process for eager participants.

How Does the Marathon Registration Form Template Work?

This Marathon Registration Form Template is tailored to collect essential data for efficiently organizing marathon events, ensuring a seamless experience for both organizers and runners. Fields include:

  • Personal Information:
    • At the outset, the form diligently captures the runner’s personal information. This includes their name, gender, date of birth, and nationality.
    • Vital contact details like email address, phone number, and mailing address are also taken to ensure timely communication.
    • A fun addition is the shirt size field, ensuring participants get that perfectly fitting marathon shirt as a keepsake.
  • Race Details:
    • Tailored to cater to both novices and professionals, this section offers options for race categories, be it the sprightly 4k, the challenging 10k, the grueling half marathon, or the ultimate full marathon.
    • Runners can also indicate their preferred start time and any additional add-ons they’d like. A nifty feature allows participants to highlight their previous marathon experiences.
  • Health and Fitness Information:
    • Prioritizing participant safety, this segment focuses on health metrics for the person participating in the marathon.
    • Runners can mention any medical conditions or allergies they might have and list down any current medications.
    • This data is invaluable for medical teams to provide immediate and appropriate care if needed.
  • Waiver and Consent:
    • The form emphasizes the importance of informed participation. A checkbox for the release of liability ensures that runners are aware of the potential risks.
    • The signature field, enhanced with WPForms Pro license capabilities, captures digital consent, solidifying the runner’s commitment.
  • Payment Information:
    • Simplifying the financial aspect, the form gives a clear picture of the total fee for the marathon plus any extra takeaways.
    • It is then facilitated by a user-friendly Stripe Credit Card payment field, ensuring hassle-free transactions.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Marathon Registration Form Template to provide an easy and uncomplicated registration experience for potential marathon attendees, leaving you more time to focus on creating an unforgettable race day!