Templates Marketing Influencer Outreach Form Template

Influencer Outreach Form Template

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Influencer Information


Social Media Profiles

Engagement Metrics

Previous Collaborations

Collaboration Preferences

The Influencer Outreach Form Template by WPForms is the perfect tool for marketing teams, brand managers, PR agencies, and any business looking to harness the power of influencer marketing.

How Does the Influencer Outreach Form Template Work?

The Influencer Outreach Form Template requires the WPForms Basic License, since it makes use of numerous Fancy Fields to ensure a detailed collection of influencer information. Fields include:

  • Influencer Information:
    • Full Name: Captures the influencer’s legal name.
    • Age: Important for demographic and legal considerations.
    • Phone: A direct line for urgent communication or clarifications.
    • Email: Essential for detailed follow-ups and formal communications.
    • Address: Useful for sending products or information.
    • Genre/Niche: Determines the specific area of interest or expertise.
    • Target Audience: Defines the primary group that the influencer appeals to.
  • Social Media Profiles:
    • Instagram Handle: Essential for reviewing their presence on Instagram.
    • YouTube Channel: Provides insight into their video content and reach.
    • TikTok Handle: Captures their presence on this popular short-video platform.
    • Blog/Website URL: Offers a written form view of their content and influence.
  • Engagement Metrics:
    • Average Post Engagement Rate (Instagram): How well their content performs.
    • Average Views Per Video (YouTube): Indicates the level of engagement.
    • Average Views Per Video (TikTok): Assesses the impact of their short videos.
    • Average Monthly Traffic (Website): Gives an idea of the volume of visitors.
  • Collaboration Preferences:
    • Previous Collaborations: Provides a history of brands they have worked with.
    • Type of Collaboration: Identify what kind of partnership they are interested in.
    • Preferred Collaboration Duration: Clarifies the length of time they are available.
    • Compensation Expectations: Outlines their fee or remuneration expectations.
    • Additional Information: Space for any other relevant details or special requests.

Sign up with WPForms today and access the Influencer Outreach Form Template. Start building meaningful and effective influencer relationships for your campaigns