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Do you need to take credit card payments online? Our Credit Card Payment Form Template is a customizable form that suits any business.

What Is a Credit Card Payment Form?

A credit card payment form is a form that your customers can fill out to make a payment. When they submit the form, Stripe charges their card for the agreed amount.

We’ve made this form template as generic as possible so that you can publish it in just a few minutes. All you’ll need to do is connect to your Stripe account, which is easy in WPForms.

Once that’s done, just edit the form if you want to change the fields. You can drag and drop new fields onto the form, or click the trash can in the WPForms form builder to remove fields you don’t need.

In the form settings, you can also set up the Stripe field to take recurring payments. This is a great option for memberships and subscriptions.

To make the form look more official, we recommend adding a logo or header image to the form. You can do that with the Content Field, which lets you format text and insert pictures.