Templates Marketing Newsletter ConvertKit Newsletter Signup Form Template

ConvertKit Newsletter Signup Form Template

Use This Template
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Select the newsletters you want to receive.
I consent to receiving newsletter emails as indicated
I understand that I may change my subscription preferences or unsubscribe at any time using the link in the emails.

Connecting with your audience is crucial in the ever-changing digital landscape. This is why WPForms has introduced the ConvertKit Newsletter Signup Form Template, which is a really cool tool that makes it easy for you to connect with your audience.

How Does the ConvertKit Newsletter Signup Form Template Work?

With the WPForms Plus license and the ConvertKit Addon, this form becomes more than just a signup sheet.  It opens the door to a thriving community, exciting content, and personalized communication. Here’s what the template includes:

  • Name:  This field greets subscribers with open arms and marks the start of a personalized journey. It’s where the connection starts, making sure that every newsletter feels like a personal talk.
  • Email: In this field, subscribers share their email addresses, which lets a lot of information, updates, and views come straight to their inbox. Email addresses are the most important part of digital communication.
  • Select the Newsletters You Want to Receive: In this section, subscribers can choose how often and what kind of news they want to receive. For example, they can choose a daily dose of news, a weekly digest of highlights, a monthly roundup, or a quarterly deep dive.
  • Consent Checkbox: This checkbox and a Disclaimer/Terms of Service Display make sure that people who sign up for your messages do so knowingly, which is required by privacy and data protection laws.

Integration with ConvertKit

Once the form is submitted, a unique confirmation message has been added for the users. You can change this if needed, but it’s important to make your subscribers feel welcome and important right away.

After the user has signed up for the newsletter, the integration lets you do more than just add people to your email list.

ConvertKit’s powerful tools let you divide your audience into groups, send emails automatically, and check how engaged your subscribers are, so you can be sure that each message hits home with the right group of people.

Sign Up with WPForms Today!

This template is designed for content creators, marketers, and community builders who believe in the power of effective communication. Easy to set up and delightful to interact with, it ensures that every signup is a step towards a stronger, more engaged community. Get it now!