Templates Event Planning Neighborhood Events Survey Form Template

Neighborhood Events Survey Form Template

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How often do you attend events in this neighborhood?
NeverSlightly oftenModerately oftenVery oftenExtremely often
Slightly often
Moderately often
Very often
Extremely often
How often do you participate in activities in this neighborhood?
NeverSlightly oftenModerately oftenVery oftenExtremely often
Slightly often
Moderately often
Very often
Extremely often

Are you in charge of planning neighborhood events so people can get to know each other, enjoy some fun activities, and you can increase neighborhood morale? If so, you need a neighborhood events questionnaire form. With WPForms’ neighborhood events questionnaire form, find out what types of events your neighborhood is interested in attending so you can start planning sooner than later.

With WPForms’ neighborhood events questionnaire form, ask a series of questions that people can easily answer to find out whether they would attend an organized neighborhood event, why they might not want to attend, and what type of activities they would or would not be interested in participating in.

We have created a neighborhood events questionnaire form demo below that you can use to easily get started without any technical knowledge.

What’s in the Neighborhood Events Survey Form Template

Launch this form as-is or customize it to your heart’s content!

With our simple Neighborhood Events Questionnaire Form Template you get the following form fields:

    • Name
    • Address
    • Email
    • Likert Scale
    • Paragraph Text

Of course, this is just a neighborhood events questionnaire form sample to get you started.

You can use our easy to use drag & drop form builder to add, remove, and customize the fields as needed.

For instance, add a Rating form field to your neighborhood events questionnaire form template so people that have attended neighborhood events in the past can rate them. You can even set up smart conditional logic to display the Rating form field when people answer “Yes” to the question about attending events in the past.

You can also add a Captcha form field to your neighborhood events questionnaire form to prevent spam form submissions or use our Form Locker addon to restrict form access to those logged in or those with the password. This way you only receive the opinions of people that live in your neighborhood, and not random people on the internet that happen across your neighborhood events questionnaire form.

If you don’t want to leave the question about events and activities open-ended for neighbors to fill out, add a Checkboxes form field so people can select the events and activities they are interested in. This way, you have more control over the types of events and activities you can offer the neighborhood, and people have an easier time filling out and submitting a complete form.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with WPForms today to create your own neighborhood events questionnaire form. Bonus, we’ll give you our neighborhood events questionnaire form template and over 100+ other pre-made form templates!